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    On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade to St. Petersburg, veterans of the great Patriotic war, defenders and residents of the besieged Leningrad received congratulations from other Russian regions


    "For the Kostroma region, as well as for St. Petersburg, this day has an important historical significance. In the heavy siege time our city hosted the evacuated p from Leningrad, Kostroma, the land was transferred a number of industrial enterprises. Currently, 151 people live in the Kostroma region, awarded the medal "for the defense of Leningrad" and the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad", - said the Governor of the Kostroma region Sergey Sitnikov.

    "During the great Patriotic war, the whole country watched the fate of the besieged Leningrad, whose defenders and residents showed incredible courage and perseverance. Every day of life under bombardment and shelling, in hunger and cold was already a feat. Heroism of Leningraders gave strength at the front and in the rear, strengthened faith in Victory. The city, doomed to death by enemies, not only survived, but also made a huge contribution to the liberation of its native land from invaders," Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin said in the congratulation.

    Letters of congratulations on the occasion of the memorable date also come from diplomatic missions of foreign countries in Moscow.

    In particular, Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary in the Russian Federation, Mr. Norbert Conca in his message, congratulates all Petersburgers and calls the day of the Leningrad victory day, "when was broken the bloodiest siege in the history of the world". 

    In addition, at the invitation of the Government of St. Petersburg to honor the memory of the fallen heroes and pay tribute to the generation of winners will come representatives of diplomatic missions of foreign countries, including countries that were part of the USSR and members of the anti-Hitler coalition, as well as representatives of foreign cities and regions-partners of St. Petersburg and Russian regions, which were evacuated Leningrad and Leningrad enterprises.