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    Security issues are discussed at a conference on the "Arc of instability" in St. Petersburg


    On October 26, the international conference "Eurasian arc of instability and security problems from East Asia to North Africa: preliminary results of 2018" was opened at St. Petersburg State University.

    On behalf of the External Affairs Committee, the Deputy Chairman V. G. Kalganov greeted the participants. He noted that security issues, especially in the Eurasian region, are very important for our country. "Taking into account the existing global threats, increasing instability in a number of regions, including those that are in close proximity to our borders, the growing dangers of international terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and drug trafficking, it is especially important to focus the efforts of the expert community on the development of steps to ensure equal security and a joint strategy to combat emerging threats and challenges," V.G. Kalganov said.

    Well-known orientalists, politicians, political scientists and military staff exchange views on what is happening today around the Eurasian arc of instability, stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Arctic to the Indian. They discuss different points of view on the existing threats, as well as try to take a fresh look at the problems of regional security from East Asia to North Africa.

    The scientific Director of the conference, Professor of SPBU Vladimir Kolotov made a report on the state of the system of arcs of instability. According to his words, today the system of arcs includes eight segments: North African, middle Eastern, South Asian, Eastern European, East Asian, Arctic, Caucasian and Central Asian. He noted the emergence of new hotbeds of conflicts in 2018, and gave an overview of new technologies of destabilization exported around the world.

    Also, the Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Professor B.P. Ivchenko, made a report on the Arctic segment of the Eurasian arc of instability in the Peter hall of St. Petersburg state University.

    The conference was attended by scientists of St. Petersburg State University, experts of the Russian Institute of strategic studies, the Centre of Russian-Arab cooperation, representatives of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Russian Orthodox Church, such universities as Ranepa, BSTU "Voenmekh", VSU, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg State Economic University.

    Also during the conference was represented an updated version of the map of the Eurasian arc of instability — a unique analytical project, which was developed by specialists of St. Petersburg State University.

    The conference will continue on October 27.

    The organizers are St. Petersburg State University and the External Affairs Committee of St. Petersburg.