This week in Bordeaux – a partner city of St.Petersburg in France, in the Lycee named after Camille Jullian, Member of the French Academy, historian and philologist, a literary exhibition closes, that was devoted to the 200th anniversary of the Tsarskoselskiy Imperial Lyceum.
By this event, St.Petersburg completes its program of the Days, devoted to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of partnerships between the cities, run in Bordeaux on September 12 through 16, 2012.
By its content, the program was divided into the topics of greatest interest to the development of cooperation between cities.
On September 14, at the "round table" on Sustainable Development, the representatives of St.Petersburg (Committee for Power Supply and Engineering Facilities, "Vodokanal") and Bordeaux (Directorate for Sustainable Development, Water House) discussed the issues of energy and water saving, and developing the environmental approach. Separately, children's environmental center "Vodokanal" and similar structure in Bordeaux made their acquaintance and exchanged their experience.
On September 13 and 14, a demonstration of the urban areas development project was run for specialists in the area of construction: the design and construction of eco-quarter, a new stadium, a center of culture and tourism devoted to wine, and reconstruction areas around the railway station. Special attention was paid to the usage of energy-efficient technologies in new construction.
A separate part of the program was devoted to the architectural biennale "Agora" participated by the experts. Presentations, discussions, and exchange of views on heritage conservation and development of the urban areas were held, attended by the representatives of St.Petersburg committees for urban planning and architecture, as well as on the State Control, Usage and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture.
The great interest of the audience was aroused by public debate 'Making the historic area of the city to live?" with the participation of A.Juppe, Mayor of Bordeaux, I.M.Metelskiy, Vice-Governor of St.Petersburg, and F.Bandarin, Assistant on Culture of UNESCO Director-General.
On September 12 through 15, a special program was arranged for the representatives of cultural institutions of St.Petersburg, to exchange the experience in adapting cultural space for people with disabilities, particularly those of impaired vision.
Under cross-seasons of Russian-French language and literature, there were creative meetings of S.M.Nekrasov, Director of All-Russia Pushkin Museum, and M.D.Yasnov, modern Petersburg writer and translator, with the students of the lycees, teaching Russian language and literature and history. St.Petersburg donated books in Russian for one of the lycees.
At the meetings with colleagues, the representatives of the Committee for Education of the city discussed how to promote tolerance among the children and teenagers.
The representatives of St.Petersburg and Bordeaux offices of Junior Chamber International discussed the opportunities and prospects of cooperation.
Numerous concerts of Mariinsky Theatre soloists, accompanied by the musical ensemble "Grad-Quartet", were written in the program of the Days of St.Petersburg, including the Days of Heritage, to introduce the musical culture of St.Petersburg to the citizens of Bordeaux.
During the whole period of the events, a special design featuring St.Petersburg was placed in the window of the Bordeaux Central Office for Tourism.
Return visit of the delegation led by Bordeaux city mayor is scheduled in December this year. The main theme of the visit will be cooperation in youth policy. Alain Juppe, Mayor of Bordeaux, is planning a speech at the International Forum "Youth Wave".
Information of St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations. Olga Nesterova, tel. 576-6801.
This week in Bordeaux – a partner city of St.Petersburg in France, in the Lycee named after Camille Jullian, Member of the French Academy, historian and philologist, a literary exhibition closes, that was devoted to the 200th anniversary of the Tsarskoselskiy Imperial Lyceum.