On October 30, 2009, an educational project was completed to improve the qualifications of teachers of pre-school educational institutions. Seminars were held at the St.Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Paedagogical Education, and their main purpose was to improve the forms and methods of using the set of reference materials “Ethnocalendar of St.Petersburg” in educational practice.
“Ethnocalendar of St.Petersburg” is a set of visual aids to demonstrate the diversity of cultures, customs, and traditions of the peoples residing in the city.
The training was held on the following areas:
• Formation of positive notion on cultural diversity among the children;
• Teaching a culture of respect for national peculiarities and traditions;
• Methods and forms of development of tolerance in children of pre-school age;
• Key areas of the work with the families to form the tolerance in a child pre-schooler.
In total, the training on using the Ethnocalendar in their work was given for more than 1000 teachers from different districts of St.Petersburg, which may indicate a growing interest of the teaching community in intercultural and inter-ethnic cooperation.
Source: Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg