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    1 and 3 March in Hamburg and Berlin (Germany) was presented the project "First day of peace", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade


    The organizer is the Committee for external relations of St. Petersburg.

    The project held the premiere of "Hour" the story of Lydia Budovsky performed by artists of theatre "Baltic house" and "Music hall". The action of the literary and musical composition "Sentinel" takes place in Leningrad during the blockade. In the center of the narrative – a young girl Olga, a nurse of one of the Leningrad hospitals. It protects the hospital from criminals, bearer of the patients the products, and never leaves the post, honestly performing their duty and saving lives.

    In Hamburg performances were held in the concert hall of the school Charlotte-Paulsen-Gymnasium. During the opening ceremony, the Consul General of Russia in Hamburg Andrey Sharashkin and the Chairman of the coordinating Council of Russian compatriots in Hamburg Boris Silberberg made a welcoming speech. The audience was members of the society of residents of the besieged Leningrad under the Jewish community of Hamburg, as well as students and their parents from the "Smart school" of Hamburg under the leadership of Alla Kazantseva. At the end of the event, the choir of students of the "Smart school" sang the song "Boys-Leningraders". In addition, a photo exhibition "I'm talking to you from Leningrad..."was organized.

    In Berlin, the play was given in The Russian house of science and culture. The audience included members of the Berlin Association "Living memory", the coordinating Council of Russian-speaking compatriots of Berlin and Brandenburg, headed by the Chairman of the coordinating Council of Russian-speaking compatriots of Berlin and Brandenburg Zhanna Kruglyakova, as well as students studying in Germany. The final chord was the awarding of artists with honorary signs of members of the Berlin Association "Living memory".

    Greeting cards on behalf of the Acting Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov and ribbons of the Leningrad victory were handed over to all veterans and blockades.

    Screenings of literary and musical performances "the First day of the world after the war" and "Hour", prepared specifically for the project "the First day of the world", are held in 9 cities from 5 countries, where the largest number of Russian compatriots live. The project also includes a photo exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Leningrad victory, screenings of feature and documentary films produced by the Lenfilm Studio, meetings of the blockade, etc.
    In addition, within the framework of events, in the cities, where possible, organized the presentation of the blockade, living abroad, commemorative signs "in honor of the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade."
    Events are held during February-March 2019 in Berlin, Hamburg (Germany), Washington, St. Petersburg (USA), Tallinn, Narva (Estonia), Riga, Daugavpils (Latvia), Minsk (Belarus).
    The aim of the project is to support the Russian world abroad and spread knowledge about the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945.