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    In St. Petersburg an exhibition will be conducted “your Pain in my heart, Vietnam. The Soviet military doctors help the brotherly people” about the war in Vietnam, 1965 - 1974


    Today, January 22, 2019, in Smolny in the framework of the Cross year of Russia and Vietnam – 2019 Chairman of the Committee for external relations of St. Petersburg Evgeny Grigoriev and Director of the Military medical Museum Anatoly Budko signed the scientific concept of this exhibition.

    The meeting was also attended by Deputy Chairman of the Committee for external relations of St. Petersburg Vyacheslav Kalganov and General Director of the group of companies "Golden age" Zyong Ti KIEN, who provided financial assistance to the project.

    During the meeting, the main issues of the exposition preparation were discussed.

    Evgeny Grigoriev noted that relations between Russia and Vietnam have recently reached a qualitatively new level. At the same time, countries retain the memory of a common history. And a separate, a heroic page of this story is connected with the work of Soviet military doctors in Vietnam during the war.

    Chairman of the Committee for external relations of St. Petersburg recalled the Russian proverb: "A friend in need is a friend indeed." And assistance during the war, as noted by E. D. Grigoriev, was a confirmation of the real friendship between our countries. "The pain of the Vietnamese was felt by the Soviet people. Helped everybody!"– said E. D. Grigoriev.

    However, it was noted that these pages of the joint history of the two countries are not widely known. That is why now, against the background of a new stage of rapprochement between Russia and Vietnam, such projects are becoming particularly relevant.

    Evgeny Grigoriev thanked the representatives of the Vietnamese Diaspora in St. Petersburg, who responded to the request to assist in the exhibition, and also noted the serious work carried out by the staff of the Military medical Museum.

    Anatoly Budko, for his part, told how the Museum staff prepared the exhibition. It turns out that initially the exhibition was supposed to have just an informative name: "Soviet military doctors to protect the Socialist Republic of Vietnam." But the young Museum staff after studying all the materials so imbued with the courage and bravery of the Vietnamese people, who survived the terrible ordeal during the war, that offered its own name, reflecting their true feelings and recognized as the result of the official: "Your pain is in my heart, Vietnam. The Soviet military aid physicians brotherly people" .

    On behalf of the Vietnamese Diaspora in St. Petersburg, zyong Ti KIEN said that it was a great honor for him to support such an important event. He also noted that he sees a particularly important task in telling young people, both in Vietnam and in Russia, about the friendship of the older generation and how they fought together.

    The exhibition will include materials from the stock collections of the Military medical Museum about little-known facts for a wide audience of anti - human methods of warfare in Vietnam 1965-1974, violation of international humanitarian law, the use and consequences of the use of toxic and toxic agents on civilians and the nature of the country. Special attention will be paid to the activities of Soviet doctors in Vietnam. The Central figure of the narrative was chosen Matvey Voitenko - head of the group of Soviet specialists sent to Vietnam in 1969. His eyes will convey the atmosphere of the late 1960s in Vietnam, the peculiarities of the work of Soviet and Vietnamese doctors, as well as the mutual perception of the two countries, the foundations of long-term and fruitful cooperation, which were laid at that time. The exhibition will be accompanied by a video interview with veterans of service in Vietnam in 1970-80-ies.

    During the work of the project will be implemented a range of activities: there will be meetings with veterans, representatives of culture and science of Vietnam, master classes and Museum classes, presentations of books, films, projects, etc.

    Information about the event in the plot of the TV channel " St. Petersburg»: