The delegation was led by the Deputy District Governor of Yangpu District of the Municipality of Shanghai, Mr. Zhuang Shao Qin. The delegation also included the Yangpu district government officials in charge of investment, education and finance, and representatives of the Association of Industrialists of Yangpu.
During the visit, the delegation visited Smolny where Mr. Qin met the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg, the Head of Department of Foreign Economic Cooperation, Arbi Abubakarov, also they visited St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
During the meeting in Smolny, the parties discussed the investment infrastructure projects the prospects for cooperation in the industrial sector and cooperation in the sphere of education and science.
The Chinese party offered to develop cooperation between the business circles of St. Petersburg and Yangpu and to place Information & Business Center of St. Petersburg in Yangpu district.
The participants of the meeting agreed to study the possibility to implement all the proposals and pre-decided to hold the next meeting in the first half of 2017 in Shanghai.