Within the framework of the International Conference "Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world", held on 22 - 27 August 2016, St. Petersburg was visited by the official Japanese delegation from Hyogo Prefecture, led by the Vice Governor of the Prefecture Mr. K. Kanazawa.
On 22 August, the delegation of the Legislative Assembly of Hyogo Prefecture visited the St Petersburg South West Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWWWTP) of Vodokanal. St Petersburg South West Wastewater Treatment Plant was selected for a visit not by coincidence. Nowadays SWWWTP is considered the most modern technological complex for wastewater treatment in the Baltic Sea region.
During the visit, the delegation members visited the control room of SWWWTP, where they saw how the wastewater treatment process and the process of wastewater sludge incineration are managed. While visiting the Sludge Incineration Plant (SIP) Japanese colleagues were particularly interested in gas cleaning system for the generated flue gas.
The delegation visited the facilities of mechanical and biological treatment, as well as effluent neutralization unit.
Japanese delegation has shown great interest in Vodokanal visit. While communicating with the experts they asked questions, there was a dialog on the environmental protection and preservation for future generations.
Also on 22 August, the Japanese delegation led by the Vice Governor of Hyogo Prefecture met with the representatives of St. Petersburg Committees. The meeting was opened and chaired by the Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg Evgeny Grigoriev.
During the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety Ivan Serebritsky told the audience about the climate strategy project of St. Petersburg, the concept project of adaptive water and drainage systems management in St. Petersburg, as well as the environment monitoring system.
The Japanese delegation highlighted the issues of risk management in the coastal zone of inland seas on the example of the Inland Sea (Japan), as well as activities of the International Center for Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (International EMECS Center).
On 23 August, the Director of Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art Dr. Yutaka Mino visited Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera). The guests met with the museum director Yuri Chistov who spoke about the history of the oldest state museum in Russia, as well as about the creation of its unique collections. The sides discussed issues of possible cooperation of the Museum with Japanese colleagues. The guests got acquainted with the permanent exhibition.
Russian State Hydrometeorological University is the main organizer of the International Conference "Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world".
One of the core organizations in the area of science - the International Center for Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (International EMECS Center) - appeared as the Conference co-organizer.
The event is supported by the Government of St. Petersburg and the Working Group "Sea coasts" of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) Council on the World Ocean problems.
The conference brings together leading world experts in the sphere of the oceans and coastal areas studies, representatives of coastal regions administrations and industrial business community of the world. The conference will serve as an effective tool to strengthen the position of Russia as the world's leading maritime power, and St. Petersburg as one of the largest scientific and educational centers in Russia.