Rest for children was arranged at the invitation of the Mayor of Limassol Mr. Andreas Christou with the assistance of Committee for external relations of Saint-Petersburg and Committee for education in the frame of cooperation between Saint-Petersburg and partner city Limassol.
Municipality of Limassol took on the expenditures on staying of the group of young Petersburgers in Limassol as well as on arrangement of their programme. Excursions, visitation of aquapark and zoological garden, familiarity with the peculiarities of national kitchen, traditions and culture of Cyprus were arranged in addition to the rest near the sea.
Meetings with the Mayor of the city Andreas Christou were held. “This trip allowed our children to enlarge their scope significantly and obtain a new social experience so necessary for them”, - teachers of the social Centre No. 31 noted.
Arrangement of summer holydays for children at risk is a project, implemented by Saint-Petersburg and Limassol for not the first year. In 2012 the partner city received children from Saint-Petersburg special (correctional) children’s home No. 46.
Additionally, as a result of established ties the students of Saint-Petersburg Classical Gymnasium No. 610 visited Limassol this year in June and met there the students of partner lyceum named after Lanitis. Return visit of Cyprus pupils to Saint-Petersburg is planned on September 3-11, 2014.
Additional information: Nataliya Vladimirovna Strugova, Chief specialist, Division for the countries of Central and Southern Europe, USA, Canada and Israel, Administration for international cooperation, Tel.: 576-78-44.