Committee for External Relations of Saint Petersburg had arranged a business and cultural mission to Thessaloniki from 10th till 14th of May 2014. The mission was held in the course of the Program of cooperation between Saint Petersburg Government and the Mayor’s Office of Thessaloniki for 2013-2015.
Saint Petersburg was represented in Thessaloniki by the delegation of sector committees of the City government (Committee For Culture and Committee for Education), cultural institutions (The National museum of religion history, The Saint Petersburg Court Capella, The National legitimate drama “The Refuge for Comedian”, The Musical Lyceum of Committee for Culture of Saint-Petersburg), higher education institutions (The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (SPbNRU ITMO)), youth organizations, volunteer movement, Student Council of Saint Petersburg.
During the mission the events of Project “Child’s Petersburg”, such as the concert of young virtuosos, puppet play, master class on acting technique, child’s drawing exhibition, were held in Anethon Theatre on May 10 and 11. Our performers were greeted by the municipal child’s chorus of Thessaloniki with the lead of Angelika Krisila, who has performed the song “Crains” to music by Petersburg composer Yan Frenkel and the song “Do not ask the heaven” by Greek composer Manos Hatzidakis.
Taking into account the proposal of Greek-Russian Cooperation Association of North Greece on arrangement of Russian language teaching on the base of Aristotle College, on May 11 before noon the negotiations between official delegation and College principal and member of the Association Christos Gruzidis took place. The Chairman of the Association arranged for the meeting of the delegation with Metropolitan of Thessaloniki Anthim in the Temple of Cyril and Methodius (there is a monument dedicated to the Saints, erected near the temple, donated to Thessaloniki residents by Greek community of Saint Petersburg in 2012).
The same day the meeting with Russian-speaking expatriate community of Thessaloniki took place in Russian Centre of the “Russian world” Fund. Representatives of noncommercial associations (repatriate community “Epistrophy”, Panhellenic association of the Russian language and literature teachers, educational centre “Russian word”, Greek-Russian culture centre “A. Chehov”), Russian language teachers from the University of Macedonia and University of Democritus, representatives of Russian-language media took part in the meeting. Participants of the meeting showed the interest in programmes of Committee For External Relations of Saint Petersburg on cooperation with the foreign compatriots, especially in possibility of training and education of Russian language teachers on the base of Postgraduate pedagogical education Academy and The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, participation in cultural and educational projects. Participants pointed out the necessity of development of programmes on speech culture, arrangement of meetings with cultural workers of Saint-Petersburg (writers, artists, musicians). Courseware was presented to teachers of Russian language.
Culture, education and creative economy were the subjects of dialog between two cities in the course of the round table, which was held on May 12 in the Mayor’s Office of Thessaloniki with the aim of planning ahead the events on nearest two years, taking into account the arrangement of Russia-Greece Cross-year in 2016.
Among the participants from Greece in the course of work of cultural section, which was held under the auspices of Thessaloniki Vice-Mayor Ellie Chrysidou, were the chiefs of the National museum of modern arts, The Museum of Byzantine Culture, Music centre “Megaron”, Centre of the Holy Mount Athos, The National theatre of the North Greece, film festival of Thessaloniki, “Sani” festival.
Offered proposals were the following: participation of Thessaloniki workers of culture in the International cultural forum in Saint Petersburg, in International conference of philharmonic principals, participation of representatives of cities cinematograph in film festivals (including festivals of documentary films), interchange of musical bands and theatre ensembles, of theatre repertory and exhibitions (in 2015 the photography exhibition “Thessaloniki and Mount Athos in the beginning of the XX century” is planned to be hold in Saint Petersburg, and in 2016 it is planned to arrange the exhibition of Classical Greek costumes, the exhibition, devoted to Isadora Duncan, the exhibition from collection of Greek collector Kostakis).
Vice-Mayor of Thessaloniki Antonis Karoumbis coordinated educational section and pointed out the important role of interaction with Saint Petersburg, taking into account increased interest in studying the Russian language in Thessaloniki and increased number of schools where Russian language is taught. In his opinion it is important to develop cooperative educational programmes at all educational levels, considering historical and cultural ties of Greece and Russia, stronger partnership of universities, interchange of teachers, possibility of training and education, possibility of distance learning. Among the propositions of the section are the following: using of experience of Saint Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education and The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia for training and education of Russian language teachers, coming in contact between associations of non-state educational institutions and schools of cities-partners, arrangement of educational programmes during summer vocation, participation of Thessaloniki representatives in Readers forum in Saint Petersburg in 2015 (the arranger is The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia).
Section of creative economy took place with participation of Chief Secretary of Greece Technical chamber, representatives of Technical Department and Department for Power Economy and Bioclimate of Thessaloniki Mayor’s Office. The project of SPbNRU ITMO in the sphere of the solar energy was introduced at this section and representatives of the International exhibition centre of Thessaloniki and Expoforum International LLC of Saint-Petersburg exchanged opinions on possibilities of cooperation.
The Consul General of the Russian Federation in Thessaloniki A.A. Popov, participated in round table, pointed out the importance of Saint Petersburg events in Thessaloniki as well as heard propositions for further development of friendly ties between the cities.
On May 12 and 13 in the frame of programme “Thessaloniki – youth capital of Europe 2014” the meetings of Saint Petersburg youth delegation with the arrangers of the programme and representatives of Thessaloniki youth organizations, exhibition “Greece through the eyes of young Petersburgers” were held in Social orientated programmes centre, and concert of dance group “SHOW OFF” from Saint Petersburg State University Of Economy and Finances was held at the central esplanade of Thessaloniki.
In relation to the proposition of the Chairman of Association of Russian-speaking entrepreneurs of Greece K. Gabaeridis and the Chairman of Compatriot community “Russian home”
U. Gavrilova on arrangement of summer holidays for Saint-Petersburg school children in camps of metropolitanate Alexandroupolis, the Saint-Petersburg delegation visited Alexandroupolis on May 13. In Alexandroupolis the meetings with the mayor Evangelos Lambakis, senior executives of Chamber of commerce and industry, activists of Compatriot community, Alexandroupolis metropolitan were arranged. Taking into account the availability of direct flight connection of the cities, the following issues were discussed: tourism development (including recovery), arrangement of children’s recreation, business and cultural and humanitarian contacts, university cooperation, considering the interest in the Russian language learning. Saint Petersburg delegation laid flowers to the memorial to Russian officers and soldiers liberated these lands during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.
Additional information: 576-78-44 – Natalya Vladimirovna Strougova, senior specialist, Department of Central and Southern Europe, USA, Canada and Israel