During the meeting the representatives of the YPA CIS were informed about the plans of St. Petersburg Government regarding the strengthening of cooperation with the CIS countries. The parties discussed as well the possible collaboration between the Government and the YPA CIS.
At the meeting St. Petersburg was represented by:
Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg - Mr. A.V. Prokhorenko;
Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on youth policy and cooperation with social organizations – Mrs. N.P. Orlova;
Chairman of the Youth board under the authority of the Governor of St. Petersburg – Mr. R.A. Shipitsyn.
The Young CIS Parliamentarians Assembly was represented by its Coordinator elected for the first time – Sevinge Gabib gyzy Fatalieva, a member of Milli Majlis (the National Assembly) Republic of Azerbaijan.
Notes: According to the Resolution of the Council of the YPA CIS No.47 of November, 22, 2012, the Young CIS Parliamentarians Assembly shall act as a permanent consultation authority in order to involve young parliamentarians into the cooperation between the CIS states in politic, economic, humanitarian, ecological, cultural and other fields. The YPA CIS Coordinator shall be elected at the first session by a simple majority of votes among the members of youth parliamentary delegations for a year´s term. Then the functions of the YPA CIS Coordinator shall be passed by rotation in alphabetical order to the representatives of each youth parliamentary delegation.