On September 3, 2012, a delegation of the representatives of Austrian automobile clusters, manufacturers, and developers of automotive components sojourned in St.Petersburg. The delegation included the heads of famous Austrian companies ATOS, Bernecker & Rainer Industrie Elektronik, Collini Holding, Maplan, Schenker & Co, Fasching.
The purpose of the visit of Austrian industrialists was making acquaintance with the state of the automotive industry of St.Petersburg and the level of localization of production in Russia, as well as getting the "first-hand" information and looking for possible partners.
The delegation visited the General Motors plant in Shushary, studied the specifics of production at the plant Magna, and inspected the facilities of the plant of JSC “Zvezda”. Presentations and discussions on a possible cooperation were held.
The visit of Austrian automakers in St.Petersburg was organized with the support of the Commercial Department at the Austrian Embassy and the St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations.
The rest of the program of this trip to Russia includes meetings and site visits in Moscow and Kaluga.
Austrian Province of Styria is a major European center for the production of cars and auto parts. Automobile cluster ACStyria GmbH, founded in 1995, brings together all the enterprises and organizations of the region involved in the chain of the car production and contributes the growth of innovation capacity and international competitiveness. At present, the Styrian autocluster includes over 180 companies. The center of the cluster is the City of Graz, capital of the federal state of Styria. As per the data of 2006, the autocluster employed 44,000 people and had a total turnover of 9.6 billion euros. The cluster comprises not only the manufacturing facilities but also educational institutions such as the University of Graz, Graz University of Technology and the Joanneum High School in Graz.
Since May 2012, JSC “Zvezda” has been implementing a project to create a new generation of Diesel engines, jointly with the Austrian engineering company AVL List Gmbh. In summer. the St.Petersburg enterprise, along with AVL List and St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University, signed an agreement on the establishment of the Research and Development Center on constructing the Diesel engines and transmissions (R&D Center).