On March 3, 2011, the representatives of St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations spoke on “Social Partnership of the State and the Religious Organizations in St.Petersburg and the Inter-Religious Interaction within the City Government’s Program ‘Tolerance’”at the round table organized by the religious organization of Catholic Charities Center Caritas St.Petersburg (18 Ryabinovaya St.).
The central themes of the round table featuring “Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) as a Resource for Society Development” were the prospects for interfaith cooperation in social service, as well as the theoretical possibility of giving some religious organizations of St.Petersburg the status of socially important NGOs.
Discussion on the prospects for the development of social partnership of executive authorities of St.Petersburg and religious organizations was attended, along with the Committee for External Relations, by the representatives of local authorities, social services, district administrations, religious and charitable organizations.
The roundtable participants were unanimous about the necessity of regular sharing the experiences in state-confessional cooperation.
The practical result of the forum was elaborating the project of an inter-religious camp, which could be supported within the framework of program “Tolerance”.
News Source: St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations
On March 3, 2011, the representatives of St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations spoke on “Social Partnership of the State and the Religious Organizations in St.Petersburg and the Inter-Religious Interaction within the City Government’s Program ‘Tolerance’”at the round table organized by the religious organization of Catholic Charities Center Caritas St.Petersburg (18 Ryabinovaya St.).