On October 1, 2010, an international conference "The Program for Promoting the Energy Efficiency and Resource Saving” was held in Smolny, within the framework of III St.Petersburg International Innovation Forum.
The event is a part of the implementation in St.Petersburg an internationalpProject: "Energy Efficiency: Innovative Policy of the State and the Civil Society. Social Responsibility towards the Future Generations”.
The conference was organized by NP “City-wide Homeowners Association” and St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations, with the active support of Information Office of Nordic Council of Ministers in Kaliningrad.
The conference participants included the representatives of: the executive and legislative bodies of the federal and regional Russian authorities, businesses, banks, and regional governments of Finland (Helsinki), Sweden (Malmö) and Denmark (City of Middelfart).
The Conference had before it the reports and presentations that demonstrated the experience of the Nordic countries and the subjects of Russian Federation, as well as programs for energy efficiency and resources saving, implemented in St.Petersburg and Leningrad Region. The developers of international, regional, and municipal energy efficiency programs, along with specialists, experts, and companies-participants could share their experiences and discuss the plans for further action to ensure the innovative urban development by improving the energy efficiency and encouraging the energy saving. The event allowed to identify and analyze sources of funding of the programs and projects.
The main outcome of the Conference was the signing of a protocol between the NP “City-wide Homeowners Association” and a consortium of companies to attract international investment in innovation in energy efficiency and saving.
News source: Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg