A gala concert of the Fourth Russian-Chinese Festival timed to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Peoples Republic of China was performed at the Manege of the Military Cadets School on February 9.
The festival is organised with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation Representative Office in St.Petersburg, Consulate General of the Peoples Republic of China in St.Petersburg, Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg, group of companies «Svarog», and the companies «Baltic Pearl» and «Balt-System».
Also within the limits of the festival, arranged are:
• Exhibition «Traditional Chinese Art of Fans and Umbrellas» in the Museum of of St.Petersburg History (Exhibition Hall at Ioannovskiy Ravelin, Peter and Paul Fortress). The exhibition features about 100 painted fans and umbrellas created by the talented masters and artists of China. The exhibition is open until March 3, 2009.
• Concert of National Ensemble of Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Region and performance of Multinational Song and Dance Ensemble (Uighurs, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Tadjiks, Mongols, Russian, and Hans) took place in the Concert Hall of Kalininskiy District on February 8.
Source: Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg