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A conference devoted to the heritage of the first Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh was held in Smolny


May 17, 2019 in the framework of the project of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg “The spiritual heritage of Ho Chi Minh. 50 years later ”, as well as larger-scale events of the Cross Year of the Russian Federation in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the Russian Federation, in the Light Hall of Smolny, a scientific-practical conference was held to reflect on the works of the first president of independent Vietnam and the current state of Russian-Vietnamese interaction.

The vice-governor of St. Petersburg Nikolay Bondarenko made a welcoming speech to the participants of the meeting. He stressed that relations between our city and Vietnam are at an unprecedented high level.

“The central event of 2019 is to hold events during the implementation of the project“ The spiritual heritage of Comrade Ho Chi Minh. 50 years later, "which will last until September, when there will be a half-century anniversary of the day that the first President of Vietnam left us," the vice-governor said.

“From the height of time, we see that the legacy he left is priceless, both for the people of Vietnam and abroad. During this time, he gained true independence, the country and the people united, a strong and sovereign Vietnam was formed, ”added Nikolai Bondarenko.

Also, Sergei Andryushin, Deputy Rector of St. Petersburg State University for International Affairs, addressed the crowd with a farewell address.

The conference was attended by leading orientalists of St. Petersburg, representatives of St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg Eastern Academy, including the Director of the Ho Chi Minh Institute at St. Petersburg State University Vladimir Kolotov and the Director of St. Petersburg Eastern Academy Andrei Vassoevich

From the Vietnamese side, representatives of the State Political Academy of Ho Chi Minh (Hanoi), who specially arrived in our city on the eve of the 129th anniversary of the birth of the Vietnamese leader (May 19), spoke.

This conference was a logical continuation of cooperation between St. Petersburg and Vietnam in political, scientific and educational lines. Thus, last year, within the framework of the Russian-Vietnamese Cultural and Business Forum and the International Conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the arrival of Nguyen Ay Cuok (Ho Chi Minh) in Petrograd, an agreement of mutual understanding was signed between SPSU and the State University of Ho Chi Minh City. As part of the work on its execution, for the first time since the collapse of the USSR in the south of Vietnam in the twin-city of St. Petersburg, Ho Chi Minh City, students of the Eastern Faculty already undergo an internship.

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