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    Today, April 17, TASS held a press-conference dedicated to the opening of the exhibition "your Pain in my heart, Vietnam. Help Soviet military doctors fraternal people" in the framework of the cross year of Russia and Vietnam


    About cooperation between Russia and Vietnam during the war and peace, as well as the St. Petersburg program of events of the cross year of Russia and Vietnam told:

    - Deputy Chairman of the Committee for external relations of St. Petersburg Vyacheslav Kalganov;

    - Director of the Military medical Museum of the Ministry of defense Anatoly Budko;

    - one of the leaders of the Vietnamese society in St. Petersburg Zyong Ti Kien.

    The exhibition will open on April 18 at 15.00 at the Military medical Museum (Vvedensky canal street, 6).

    At the exhibition, visitors will be able to learn little-known facts for a wide audience about the inhumane ways of waging war in Vietnam, violation of international humanitarian law, the use and consequences of the use of toxic and toxic agents on civilians and the nature of the country.

    As the Director of the Military medical Museum Anatoly Budko told today during the press conference, the exhibition will feature, for example, photos of children affected by Napalm, facts about the bombing of schools and hospitals, as well as the spraying of chemicals over the fields in which the Vietnamese grew food.

    Also, the exhibition will include previously not exhibited medical supplies supplied to the USSR in Vietnam, medicines, surgical kits, first aid kits for poisoning with toxic substances, uniforms and personal belongings of Vietnamese soldiers and soldiers of the US army. Feel the full scale of the tragedy of the war in Vietnam will allow rare photos.

    The exhibition is divided into two large blocks: the first is war, crimes against humanity, the use of weapons of mass destruction against the people of Vietnam and destruction, and the second block talks about cooperation and partnership, about the daily life of Vietnam, the successes in medical science, the Soviet-Vietnamese friendship and mutual assistance in war.

    As one of the leaders of the Vietnamese community in St. Petersburg comrade. Zyong Ti Kien, this exhibition has opened up new facts even for him.

    Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Anna Mityanina will welcome guests on behalf of the Government of St. Petersburg. Representatives of the Embassy of Vietnam in Russia are also expected to participate.

    After the official opening ceremony, a conversation with veterans of the Vietnam war is planned, who will share their memories and tell about their impressions of the exhibition. In particular, the scheduled speech of the veteran of the Vietnam war, Colonel, candidate of military Sciences, Professor Alexei Ivanovich Skreblyukova.

    In addition, military doctors will perform:

    - head of the Military medical Academy, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, major General of medical service, Professor Alexander Yakovlevich Fisun;- head of the Institute of experimental medicine, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, major General of medical service Heinrich Sofronov;- Colonel of medical service, Professor of the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the Military medical Academy, doctor of medical Sciences Anatoly Ilyich Levshankov.

    As Vyacheslav Kalganov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for external relations of St. Petersburg, told today at a press conference, this exhibition is part of a large project "Spiritual heritage of Ho Chi Minh. 50 years later", implemented by sister cities of St. Petersburg and Ho Chi Minh city on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. On may 17-19, within the framework of this project, Ho Chi Minh days will be organized in St. Petersburg. In the autumn of this year, an exhibition of the Museum of war victims from Ho Chi Minh city will be exhibited in St. Petersburg.

    Video broadcast from the press conference can be viewed on the TASS website at the link: (the Video Section. The press center, entry No. 32797454)