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XIII St. Petersburg partner of small and medium business "St. Petersburg-regions of Russia and abroad" on the opening day, March 12, was visited by about 1000 people


Alexander Beglov, acting Governor of St. Petersburg, took part in the opening ceremony of the partnership.

In his welcoming speech, the current head of the city stressed that the government of St. Petersburg will support the creation of new high-tech industries. Alexander Beglov noted that St. Petersburg is open for investment and will continue to create comfortable conditions for enterprises. The city is interested in creating high-tech industries, increasing high-paying jobs, the introduction of advanced technologies in the field of machine tools, IT, medicine and other areas.

The head of the city presented the honorary sign "Made in St. Petersburg" to the companies that won the competition for this award, organized by the Committee on industrial policy and innovations of St. Petersburg.

"The industry is our pillar, the guarantor of economic development," said Alexander Beglov.

After the official part, Alexander Beglov inspected the exposition of the St. Petersburg partnership. He got acquainted with the projects presented by entrepreneurs and universities within the "StartupVillage"zone. The authors of the unique developments showed the head of the city their works: smart stethoscope with breath diagnostics function, charging station capabilities for electric transport, automated robotic multifunctional installations and video endoscopes for industrial enterprises. This year 8 out of 10 presented projects are from St. Petersburg.

Also, the current head of the city talked with the heads of Information business centers of St. Petersburg abroad and visited the exhibition of regions. In particular, he examined the stands of the Republic of Komi, Vologda and Leningrad regions, as well as the Kaliningrad region, acting this year at the exhibition as a General partner.

Also on the first day of the St. Petersburg partnership in the framework of the business program, a round table "on the tasks of ensuring technological leadership of the St. Petersburg industry"was held. The discussion was organized jointly with the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg. The participants noted that enterprises and new projects need support, including from the state, but such assistance should be productive and targeted.

In the format of a talk show, topical issues of economic development and regions of Russia were discussed. According to Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Yevgeny Elin, domestic enterprises are now particularly needed technological discipline and exchange of experience with companies from other regions and countries. This, in particular, is facilitated by such events as the St. Petersburg partnership.

At a business seminar with the participation of representatives of the Committee for the development of entrepreneurship, innovation and investment of the city and the region of Turku, the participants of the partnership were told about marketing trends in Finland.

The best innovative projects were presented at the business marathon. Proposals and breakthrough technologies were evaluated by a special expert Commission. Start-up entrepreneurs, companies and research centers presented their projects to the audience and defended their ideas, answering the questions of the competent jury, which included representatives of the committees of the administration of St. Petersburg, the largest companies-potential customers, chambers of Commerce of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, organizations to support small and medium – sized businesses. The event was organized in cooperation with the Center of the National technological initiative of Peter The great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The winner of the marathon was the project" Robotic biological protection of industrial greenhouses", presented by Alexander Fedotov.

In total, on the first day of the XIII St. Petersburg partnership the event was attended by about 1000 people. As part of the work of the Consulting center, more than 60 consultations were held on industry topics. More than 25 presentations were held in the presentation area. Six customers, including such large companies as sue "Lensvet", sue "Petersburg metro", JSC "Admiralty shipyards", sue "TEK SPB", sue "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg", JSC "berkom"were represented at the conference of suppliers. More than 250 business meetings and negotiations were held at the exchange of business contacts.

This year 35 regions of Russia and 14 foreign countries became guests of the partnership.  The exhibition presents stands of 18 regions of Russia and foreign partners of St. Petersburg.
During the existence of the project it was attended by representatives of all subjects of the Russian Federation and more than 30 foreign countries. In total, since 2007, more than 14,000 enterprises from Russia, CIS and foreign countries have presented their products in the fields of the partnership. On the stock Exchange of business contacts over the years the partnership was more than 17, 000 meetings, on-site Consulting at the business centre during this period took place over 3,000 business consultations to participants.

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