On December 21, the fourth meeting of the Youth discussion club under the Committee on external relations of St. Petersburg was held. The event was attended by over 50 people, among whom were representatives of scientific circles of St. Petersburg: scientists, political scientists, and students of the St. Petersburg state University, higher school of Economics, Herzen state pedagogical University. Herzen, St. Petersburg State Economic University, Ranepa.
During the meeting, a doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, head of chair of history of countries of the Far East state University, Director, Institute of Ho Chi Minh at St. Petersburg state University Vladimir Kolotov made a report about an information warfare in modern Vietnamese media made. Vladimir Nikolaevich demonstrated on the example of specific cases from the recent past, how unscrupulous journalists for incompetence, or, more likely, with a specific intent to distort the words, manipulating the facts to create a certain picture of the political situation in the region put Russia and its actions in an unfavorable light.
Presentations were also made by Doctor of Philology, Phd in history, professor of Department of political psychology of St. Petersburg state University, Andrey Vassoevich, who spoke about the use of the ethnic factor in the propaganda campaigns, the history of this mechanism, and also modern practices, which apply in particular to destabilize the situation in a number of States.
This time the student part of the club was represented by a student of the Eastern faculty of St. Petersburg state University Dmitry Matveev, who reviewed examples of popular social networks using to manipulate public consciousness both in our country and abroad.
Alexander Sevostyanov, head of information and analytical Department of information and communications with international organizations of the Committee for external relations of St. Petersburg noted: «The format of the club involves not only face-to-face, regular meetings, but also correspondence, exchange of views. Therefore, we always welcome when the club members enter into correspondence with each other, communicate in a constant mode with our experts. In our Committee we also hope to continue to receive interesting expert’s opinions on topical issues of international cooperation, the development of foreign economic relations of our city».
Boris Orlov, Member of the Public Council under the Committee on foreign relations, Chairman of Board of the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of writers of Russia, in turn, stressed that one of the key conditions for the success of the mechanisms and tactics of information warfare is a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the history of both their state and those against which this type of war is directed. In this regard, in the education system it is necessary to assign an important role to the correct teaching of history to new generations of Russians.
Live, active discussion accompanied the speech of each speaker. This shows that the format chosen by the Committee is interesting and relevant.
Orgonized by the Committee for external relations of St. Petersburg with the support of GUP "Inpredservice" and the chamber of Commerce of Leningrad region.