On January 31, 2018, a meeting of two sections of the Public Council under the Committee on external relations took place.
On January 31, 2018, the first meeting of Public Council’s two sections under the Committee on external relations took place in the Đ¡eremonial hall of the representative office of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg.
Recognized experts and leaders of public opinion, representatives of science, culture and business were included in the sections on promoting the positive image of St. Petersburg and on relations with international organizations of the Council. The gathering is to provide an effective decision-making and discuss the initiatives to increase recognition of the city, raise its tourism and investment attractiveness, promote it on the international level as a cultural, educational, and medical center.
Deputy Chairman of the Committee V. G. Kalganov addressed to the audience with a welcoming speech and noted the importance of proposals made by the Council members.
“It is crusial that initiatives don’t dissolve in emptiness, but provide the benefits to our city. The Committee hopes that the members of the Council will suggest their ideas for the development of St. Petersburg, as well as directly participate in their implementation”.
Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg B. P. Ivchenko spoke to the audience about the city’s and Federal’s latest steps aimed at the development of Arctic.
Moreover, he emphasised the importance of forming the image of St. Petersburg not only as a cultural and business city, but also a medical center, which will actively contribute the development of tourism in this direction.
The Council members have actively participated in the work, offering a number of initiatives, advice and comments related to the promotion of the image of St. Petersburg in the Russian regions and abroad. A lot of ideas were voiced in the sphere of improving cooperation with international organizations.
In addition, representatives of the Committee spoke about the immediate plans for the celebration of Chinese New Year in the city and the activities of the expert analytical club.
As a result of the four-hour meeting, it was decided to have regular meetings to discuss current issues of the agenda with the participation of interested parties as well.
The Council purpose is to ensure socially significant interests, proposals and recommendations of citizens, Federal institutions, bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation, local self - government bodies, public associations, including human rights, religious, and professional associations of businessmans are taken into account in solving the most important issues of the Committee for external relations of St. Petersburg.
The event was supported by GUP "Inpredservice".