On 30-31 March 2016, Narva-Jõesuu (Estonia) hosted the first meetings of the Joint Monitoring Committee of the bilateral cross-border cooperation (CBC) program "Russia - Estonia". During the meeting an agreement on the approval of the monitoring committee regulations and the joint technical secretariat of the program was reached. In addition, members of the Monitoring Committee approved the work plan and budget of technical assistance for 2016
It should be noted that at the moment the Financial Agreement between the Russian Federation and the European Union is being prepared at the federal level. The Russian budget will allocate 8.4 million EUR for the program "Russia - Estonia".
On 24-26 May this year, the Russian-Finnish CBC programs held the first meetings of the Joint Monitoring Committees in Helsinki (Finland).
On 25-26 May 2016, a joint session of the Russian-Finnish CBC programs and meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee for CBC "Karelia" 2014-2020 were held as the continuation of the Joint Monitoring Committee meeting for the CBC program "Russia - South-East Finland" 2014-2020.
During the joint session, common issues of training of CBC programs were discussed, including the status of the preparation of the intergovernmental agreement on the funding and implementation of the CBC programs. In addition, the basic principles of CBC program control were presented, the requirements for the Joint Monitoring Committee and the providing information rules of the program to the media were analyzed.
Russian contributions to the programs "Karelia" and "Russia - South-East Finland" in 2007-2013 were 11.6 and 18.1 million EUR respectively. About the same amount of funds is planned to be allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of programs in the current program period.
May 31 – June 1 2016, Jurmala (Latvia) hosted the first meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee of the CBC program "Russia - Latvia" for the period of 2014-2020.
During the meeting, the participants of the Joint Monitoring Committee and invited experts carried out outstanding work on aproving of founding documents, including the rules and procedure of the Joint Monitoring Committee, the rules of information support for the program, a guide for applicants on the direct award of a grant procedure, they approved a plan for the program implementing for 2016 and the program's administrative budget.
Russian co-financing of the program will amount to 7.9 million EUR.