On December 4, 2012 the Committee for External Relations of Saint Petersburg in Smolny held a meeting with the heads of the Association of Greek-Russian Business Cooperation of Northern Greece: Chairman of the Association Konstantinos Portokalis and Secretary General Vangelis Gogakos.
The Association aims at promotion of development of trade and economic cooperation between twinned cities Thessaloniki and Saint Petersburg and implementation of the program of cooperation between the Government of Saint Petersburg and the Mayor’s Office of Thessaloniki for 2013-2015 signed in October this year in Smolny by Governor of Saint Petersburg G.S. Poltavchenko and Mayor of Thessaloniki Yiannis Boutaris.
The projects of the Association include organization of the annual business-forum in Thessaloniki between entrepreneurs of Saint Petersburg and Northern Greece. K. Portokalis received an invitation to participate in the VII International Partneriat “Interregional and International Cooperation of Small and Medium-Sized Business”.
During the meeting the heads of the Association of Greek-Russian Business Cooperation of Northern Greece also expressed their readiness to support humanitarian projects between the cities: publishing books in the Russian language, creation of a Russian school in Thessaloniki and organization of summer rest in one of the camps on Halkidiki peninsula for children from Saint Petersburg. Information of the Committee for External Relations of Saint Petersburg. Strugova Natalia Vladimirovna, phone number 576 78 44.