On April 12 through 16, 2011, a delegation of Gdansk, led by Anna Kiturakis, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Mayor responsible for Eastern Europe Affairs, visited St.Petersburg. During the visit, discussed was a joint project “Gdansk and St.Petersburg. A Sociological Comparison of the Social Environment of Cities-Partners”.
On April 12 through 16, 2011, a delegation of Gdansk, led by Anna Kiturakis, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Mayor responsible for Eastern Europe Affairs, visited St.Petersburg. During the visit, discussed was a joint project “Gdansk and St.Petersburg. A Sociological Comparison of the Social Environment of Cities-Partners”.
The project was launched by the initiative of the City Hall of Gdansk, Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Gdansk, and Faculty of Sociology at St.Petersburg State University, with the assistance of St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations.
News Source: St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations