On June 28, 2010, an extended meeting of the Public Coordinating Council of St.Petersburg State Institution “St.Petersburg House of Nationalities” was held, to discuss the draft project of Program “Tolerance” for 2011–2015. The discussion was shared by the representatives of ethno-cultural autonomies, associations, and communities, the Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg, and the House of Nationalities.
A report was made by S.L. Markov, Vice-Chairman of St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations, who described the content of the sections of new program and promising directions for its implementation in the area of education, culture, and youth policy. In particular, referring to innovations in the Program, S.L. Markov gave a detailed account on the events related to the adaptation of the children alien to Russian language to new socio-cultural conditions as well as on a package of measures to integrate foreign students studying in St.Petersburg.
Representatives of ethno-cultural associations unanimously agreed on the necessity to keep the general policy of promoting the culture of peace and tolerance in the city, with the emphasis on the need to strengthen the resoling of the issues related to adapting the “fresh Petersburgers” – the immigrants. During the discussion of the draft Program, it was proposed to extend to the city-wide level positive educational practices of certain schools of the city, running the special extra courses of Russian language and museum excursions for the children alien to Russian language.
At the end of the meeting, A.S .Dydymova, CEO of the St.Petersburg House of Nationalities, confirmed that the ethno-cultural associations, as always, were ready to take an active part in the life of multi-ethnic city, and implement their information, advisory, and educational abilities, in the process of adaptation of immigrants and their families as well.
News source: Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg