On May 20 through 21, 2010, the first Russo-German Symposium on Emergency and Disaster Medicine was held in St.Petersburg, at the Institute of Emergency Care named after I.I.Dzhanelidze. According to the organizers, the necessity of such a conference is due to the increasing number of disasters, and current problems of rendering the assistance in case of massive destruction of the people who get, as a rule, very severe injuries and poisoning.
The symposium was attended by more than 30 experts from Russia and Germany, who were the leaders or employees of the services dealing with the relief of the aftermath of disasters, and the representatives of the Ministry of Public Health of Germany.
At the meeting, the reports were made on the national systems of assistance in case of emergency situations on the railways, with burn accidents, road accidents, explosions, etc., including the use of rescue from the aircrafts - helicopters; the data were also provided about assistance at specific disasters in recent years in Russia and Germany.
The event was supported by the Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg.
News source: Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg