On January 26, 2010, Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General, met with V.I.Matvienko, Governor of St.Petersburg, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, on occasion of awarding St.Petersburg the Honorary Diploma UNESCO – Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of ideas of tolerance and nonviolence. At the meeting, Irina Bokova handed to V.I. Matvienko the honorary diploma of the prize.
St. Petersburg was marked with this high award for a constructive contribution of the city Government and the public in promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a multicultural and multiethnic society, prevention and eradication of all forms of discrimination.
During the conversation, V.I. Matvienko mentioned that the Petersburgers were proud that their city was awarded the UNESCO honorary diploma. "Such a high esteem of our efforts in the prevention of xenophobia and extremism by the world community - it is not only dear prize, but also an incentive for further work", - said the Governor.
V.I.Matvienko has emphasized that Russia actively supports UNESCO in strengthening inter-ethnic peace and contributes to the development of interethnic and intercultural dialogue. In 2006, a program of harmonization of interethnic and intercultural relations, prevention of xenophobia and strengthening tolerance was adopted in St.Petersburg for 2006–2010. The major concept of the program is based on the declaration "The Great City – Harmony in Diversity", which is very close to the spirit of the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance by UNESCO.
During this time, more than 10 000 targeted actions were carried our in accordance with the program. The number of criminal offenses motivated by the ethnic enmity was halved in St.Petersburg.
The governor assured the head of UNESCO that St.Petersburg would continue to strengthen the efforts in this area.
V.I. Matvienko and Irina Bokova also discussed the cooperation of St.Petersburg and UNESCO for the protection of world cultural heritage, the participation of our city in the celebration of the Days and anniversaries, announced by UNESCO. A special accent in the course of the conversation was put on the issues of education. As V.I. Matvienko stated, the modernization of education is a most important task in Russia, set by the President D.A. Medvedev. In this regard, according to V.I. Matvienko, we are much interested in the world experience of modernizing the education system. Also were discussed the cooperation in the area of science.
V.I. Matvienko informed that Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, expressed a desire to visit St.Petersburg and to continue discussing the details of further cooperation between UNESCO and St.Petersburg.
The Governor of St.Petersburg also took part in the Russo-French forum of students, devoted to the launch of the Year of Russia in France and the Year of France in Russia.
Source: Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg