An international scientific-practical conference «Tolerance and Intolerance in Contemporary Society: Prospects and Reality» took place in St.Petersburg State University on April 27 through 28, 2009, organized with the support of St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations, within the framework of implementing the St.Petersburg Government?s program «Tolerance».
Opening of the conference was attended by Professor N.G. Skvortsov,Vice-Rector on Science, St.Petersburg State University, S.L. Markov, Deputy Chairman of St.Petersburg Committee for External Relations, the representatives of Consular Corps of St.Petersburg: R. Aasheim, Consul General of Norway, W. Eliot, British Consul General, P. Schaller, Consul General of Germany, E. Johnson, Consul on Press and Culture at the U.S. Consulate General, P. Karppinen, Consul for Social Affairs at the Consulate General of Finland, and A. Volkoff, Press Attache at the Consulate General of France.
In addition, the plenary session was attended by R. Mustafa, UNICEF Representative in Russian Federation, Kh.A. Khaladov, Minister on Education and Science of the Chechen Republic, L.S. Izmaylova, Minister on Education of Republic Ingushetia, E.V. Babich, Deputy of St.Petersburg Legislative Assembly, and Archpriest V. Fedorov.
The conference comprised 8 sections on the following topics:
Tolerance: Philosophy and Politics
Tolerance: Philosophy and Problems of Society,
Tolerance and Religion
Tolerance: Social Development,
Socialization, Training, Education,
Inter-Ethnic Relations, Multiculturalism,
National Policies, National Relations,
Tolerance: Social Processes and Marginalization,
A master-class «Practising the tolerance» was run.
Source: Committee for External Relations of St.Petersburg