Charters of foreign economic projects


In accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Government of St. Petersburg on cooperation in the foreign economic sphere No. S-250-AU / D12 dated 12.08.2015, the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg coordinates the work on the preparation and approval of the charters of foreign economic projects of St. Petersburg enterprises.

In accordance with the procedure approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the enterprise of St. Petersburg, interested in entering the external markets, prepares a set of documents in accordance with the developed forms and sends it to the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg to the e-mail:

The Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg considers the received documents and forwards them for approval in the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

For further information, please contact Information and Analytical Division of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg — Head of Department Arbi Abusaidovich Abubakarov (Tel.: +7 (812) 576-61-01,, Department of Foreign economic Cooperation (the Chief Specialist of Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Division Anastasia Yurievna Mucha (Tel.: +7 (812) 576-6319,

Company profile

List of documents

List of trade missions of Russia

Sample of export project charter

Sample of investment project charter

Sample of the charter for attracting residents

Details on investment projects

Details on residents projects

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